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Every year, approximately 200,000 service members transition from military to civilian life.


The Department of Defense SkillBridge Internship Program is designed to make this transition smoother and more successful.


SkillBridge allows active-duty service members to spend their last few months of service working full-time at a civilian company of their choice.


This hands-on experience is invaluable. This program allows you to apply the skills and discipline you’ve acquired in the military to a civilian job.


It helps you gain practical experience, build professional networks, and smoothly transition into your post-military career.


The main benefit is that it increases the likelihood of converting the internship to a permanent full-time W-2 employee position.


Companies are more likely to offer you a permanent role because they’ve seen you in action and know exactly what to expect. If you can participate in this amazing program, seize it!


Here are some additional facts about the program:


  • Service members from all branches can participate.
  • While the program allows for up to six months, the average service member gets approved for about three months.
  • Your Commanding Officer decides if you can participate.
  • Approximately 95% of all service members get approved.
  • Start preparing early to maximize your opportunities. You can begin the paperwork process one year before your ETS.
  • Each branch has different procedures, so ask your Commanding Officer for specific instructions.
  • It’s crucial to inform your Commanding Officer of your desire to participate early, preferably one year in advance.
  • Being proactive helps your Commanding Officer prepare for your absence by ensuring others can handle your responsibilities when you leave the unit early.
  • Prepare 1-2 years before ETS by researching opportunities to identify the best career path for you. Schedule informational interviews with Veterans and civilians in your field of interest, take classes on the side, and do self-study.
  • It’s easier to get hired when you’re focused on a well-thought-out specific career path. If your target career path is directly connected to your MOS, you will have more marketability. If you’re making a career pivot, you may have to work harder to find a SkillBridge host willing to train you.
  • You’ll work 40 hours per week with your host company, just like their other employees. You will report to the supervisor at your host company, not your Commanding Officer.
  • 7 Eagle Group is one of about 4,800 authorized SkillBridge providers in the country. You can see the full list by Googling “SkillBridge Providers.”
  • You will continue to receive your full military salary and BAH during SkillBridge. The host company is not permitted to pay you.
  • Your SkillBridge host has the authority to send you back to your unit at any time if your performance does not meet their expectations. For example, if you decide to spend the day at the beach instead of reporting to work or if you’re underperforming and not giving your best effort.SkillBridge is not a vacation from the military; it’s an opportunity to demonstrate your abilities in a civilian role.
  • There are two types of providers: individual companies like Lockheed Martin, Facebook, and Home Depot, and third-party providers like 7 Eagle Group. We sponsor your internship and arrange for another approved company to manage you. This flexibility allows us to connect SkillBridgers to opportunities at the Memphis Grizzlies, Amazon’s Blue Origin, and Colorado horse farms.
  • Each SkillBridge Provider has unique application instructions. Most providers prefer hiring service members with applicable skills and experience and can add value starting on Day 1. Others offer more training or classroom-type experiences, such as taking remote tech classes for certifications. 7 Eagle Group focuses on the former. You can do your SkillBridge in-person, hybrid, or fully remote—this decision is entirely between you and your host company.
  • Although your goal might be to convert the SkillBridge to a permanent job once you’re a Veteran, you are not obligated to accept a job offer. You may decide after SkillBridge that you don’t like the industry, company, or job and prefer to work elsewhere. That’s okay because the purpose of SkillBridge is to allow you to explore a professional career risk-free while still receiving your military salary, reducing pressure.

For companies that host SkillBridge interns, there are three main benefits:


First, it’s a chance to ‘test-drive’ highly skilled, dedicated, and mission-focused individuals without any financial risk. By seeing you in action, they can make smart hiring decisions.


They don’t have to evaluate you solely on your resume or interviewing skills—they get to see you performing at the job for roughly 3 months, which is invaluable. They add a “squared-away” and highly skilled professional with 4-20+ years of experience to their team, far more than the typical unskilled college intern.Second, if you meet their expectations, they’ll offer you a permanent position as a W-2 employee, knowing with confidence that you’re a great fit for their team.


This saves the host company roughly $15,000-$30,000 by not having to pay your salary or health insurance during the internship.


Third, SkillBridge allows companies to support our nation’s heroes. They get positive PR value with their employees, customers, and community for doing a patriotic act for our country.


So, take advantage of the SkillBridge program to ensure a successful transition from military to civilian life. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

Are you a service member looking to transition into a new career path, but struggling to secure a SkillBridge position?


This video is for you!


SkillBridge offers a unique opportunity to transition smoothly into a civilian career, reducing the stress of unemployment and uncertainty.


However, with over 200,000 service members exiting the military each year, competition for limited SkillBridge openings can be fierce.


Unfortunately, many service members miss out on this transformative experience, leaving them alone to navigate the challenging transition process. We believe every service member deserves the chance to participate in SkillBridge and reap its benefits.


If you’re making a career pivot, you know how tough it can be to stand out from competitors with direct experience in your desired field. For example, if you’re an electrician looking to become a Network Administrator, you’ll face stiff competition from service members with relevant experience.


Here’s an effective strategy to increase your chances of landing a SkillBridge internship: Secure a SkillBridge position in your current MOS field, leveraging your existing skills and marketability. Devote your free time to training for your desired career path, taking remote classes, or earning industry certifications to boost marketability.


You can continue working in your current field while applying for your desired role, ensuring a steady income while working towards your long-term career goal.


Remember, temporary sacrifices can lead to long-term success. By pivoting with purpose and leveraging SkillBridge, you can set yourself up for a seamless career transition and a brighter future.

You’re not alone if you’re unsure about your post-military career path. In a recent survey of 5,400 transitioning service members, 42% reported they were undecided about their future. Transitioning from the military to a civilian career can be confusing and stressful – it certainly was for me. For the past decade, 7 Eagle Group has helped thousands of service members launch successful civilian careers. I’d like to share some valuable lessons we’ve learned to help you gain clarity and embark on the exciting, rewarding, and lucrative career you deserve. First, let’s talk about some pitfalls to avoid. Hiring managers prefer focused candidates—those who know exactly what they want, are passionate about their career choice, and can envision their future. The “jack of all trades, I can do anything” candidate often struggles to get hired.


It’s crucial to devote time now to figuring out what you want your first post-military career to be. You have a clean slate and can pursue anything you desire. Identifying the right path and completing your SkillBridge in that industry will increase your chances of climbing the corporate ladder quickly, earning top compensation, taking on more responsibility, and making a significant impact. So, how do you figure this out? First, remember that regardless of your MOS, you have leadership skills, grit, integrity, coachability, and a “can-do” attitude. These qualities are in high demand in corporate America.


If you decide to continue in a career similar to what you’re doing in the military, you’ll have a significant advantage. For example, if your MOS is cybersecurity and you want to work for a civilian cybersecurity company, you will be a highly marketable SkillBridge candidate. However, if you prefer to pursue something different, you’ll need to work harder to find a SkillBridge company willing to take a chance on you. For example, if your MOS is accounting and you want to work as a construction supervisor for a civilian company.


A great way to figure out your ideal career path is to ask yourself, what would you love to do daily? What would excite you to jump out of bed because you are passionate about the work? Consider how you spend your free time. Are there any hobbies or interests you could turn into a career? Combining a passion with your career – for example, being a sales rep for a surfboard manufacturer because you love surfing every chance you get – can lead to an amazing career.


You have so many choices if you give yourself the opportunity to dream. Think about what you’re good at or what you would like to be good at if you entered a specific field. You can earn a substantial income and have a rewarding career in practically any industry, so don’t let preconceived notions prevent you from exploring every option. Decide whether you prefer a support role with a set salary or a revenue-generating one where you can earn much more money. There are no right or wrong answers to these questions. It all depends on what is best for YOU!


After you select a career path, and your SkillBridge Start Date is approaching soon—say in the next 45 days—you should complete Step #1 and build your Top 10 List. If you have more time to spare before your Start Date and are still not 100% confident with your career choice, we recommend scheduling Informational Interviews with Veterans and civilians working in that industry. These are casual in-person or Zoom conversations where you can ask for advice and guidance. Listen to their stories and learn what they like and dislike about their positions. Here are some of the many benefits you’ll receive from scheduling Informational Interviews:


  • You’ll learn about a particular role’s responsibilities, challenges, and rewards.
  • You’ll better understand industry trends, key players, and future outlooks.
  • You’ll establish relationships with professionals in your field of interest.
  • You’ll gain potential referrals or recommendations for job openings not publicly advertised.
  • You’ll determine if a career path aligns with your skills, interests, and long-term goals.
  • You’ll receive advice and guidance on the best steps to enter the field.
  • You’ll sharpen your communication and interview skills in a low-pressure setting.
  • You’ll get feedback on your resume, experience, and how you present yourself.
  • You’ll gain confidence in your career path and job search strategy through positive interactions and support from industry professionals.
  • You’ll obtain practical advice on industry success, such as required skills, certifications, and typical career paths.


Strive for several Informational interviews, and I guarantee you will now have the clarity and focus you need for a successful SkillBridge placement.

If you decide to put 7 Eagle Group in your corner to lock up an amazing SkillBridge position, here’s how it all works.


First, there’s never any cost to you.  Our coaching and job placement services are always free.


7 Eagle Group will sponsor your SkillBridge, and then we will assign you to a company of your choice in any industry or location to manage you. The position could be in-person, hybrid, or remote.


As a third-party approved SkillBridge Provider, we can place SkillBridgers into some cool opportunities.


Whatever you want to do – from working in the outdoor industry, to sports, to tech, to the nonprofit world – it’s entirely your choice.


Our mission is to match you to your dream career.


You’ve sacrificed so much for our country and now deserve to enjoy a rewarding and lucrative next chapter working for a SkillBridge company that aligns with your passion and career aspirations.


That is our mission – Veterans first…always!


So here’s a timeline of what you can expect.


Click the Step 1 button on this page when you’re ready to start.


We make it super easy, so don’t sweat this part.  It’s proven to work time and again.


Once one of your POCs expresses interest in meeting you, simply notify your 7 Eagle Group Manager and he or she will take over from there.


We’ll discuss the entire SkillBrige process with them so they know what to expect.


We’ll prepare you for the job interview and show you how to get an offer.


We’ll need to approve the company first to ensure they will abide by the DoD SkillBridge requirements, provide you with a valuable learning experience, and allow you to convert the position to a permanent W2 employment offer if you desire that outcome.


If so, we’ll also negotiate a salary range and other employment details on your behalf before you agree to accept the SkillBridge offer.


It’s important to plan for success, and we want you and the company to fully understand what to expect if it’s a good match for both sides.


7 Eagle Group charges companies a nominal sponsorship fee to participate in our program, but please know we never allow that fee to prevent you from having this experience.  We’ll do whatever it takes to give you this opportunity.


Once all of the details with your SkillBridge company are arranged, we’ll immediately provide a Training Plan you can present to your Commanding Officer for approval.


After approval, you’ll let us know so we can arrange your onboarding with your SkillBridge company.


Once you start, check in weekly with your 7 Eagle Group Manager to ensure you receive the valuable learning experience the company promised.

As you begin planning your civilian career path, it’s crucial to think about your financial aspirations.


The amount of money you want to earn will significantly impact your career choices. Different industries and job titles come with varying salary ranges.


For instance, a career in Wall Street tends to be more lucrative than one in Human Resources. The average salary in America is around $54,000, which may not be sufficient for many Vets, especially considering taxes and living expenses. Even with a dual-income household, the combined income may not be enough to cover all expenses, let alone save for the future.


According to a recent CNBC poll, most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, experiencing financial stress. While we wish corporate America paid its workers more, it’s essential to be realistic about the current job market.


As you consider your career path, ask yourself if you’d be content with the average salary.


For some Vets, especially those receiving retirement or disability pay, it might be sufficient. However, for many others, exploring revenue-generating opportunities to supplement their income is crucial.


Here are some pros and cons of working in revenue-generating positions versus support roles with a set salary: The pros of Revenue-Generating Positions: Your earnings are directly tied to performance, allowing for significant income growth. Plus, there’s a strong potential for career advancement and leadership roles. The Cons: Your income may fluctuate, causing financial uncertainty, and you can have Irregular paychecks or dry spells.


The pros of a Support Role with a Set Salary: You’ll receive consistent, predictable income for better financial planning and possibly reduced stress levels. The cons: The average American gets a 4.4% raise yearly, barely more than inflation, so you’ll have limited opportunities for significant salary increases. And there’s usually limited career advancement and professional growth opportunities.


Ultimately, choosing between a revenue-generating position and a support role depends on your priorities, risk tolerance, and career goals.


Some thrive in high-pressure environments, while others prefer more predictability. Remember, job security is a myth in today’s job market. Despite your dedication and hard work, most Americans are “At-Will” Employees so you can be terminated anytime. To stay competitive, be prepared, adaptable, and proactive in developing transferable skills.


Here’s a comparison of two recent SkillBridgers. A 24-year-old Army soldier wanted a career as a sales rep, so we helped him obtain a SkillBridge job selling cybersecurity services. After SkillBridge, they hired him for a $55,000 base salary plus commission. He’s now on track to earn $105,000 in his first year after exiting the military, an impressive accomplishment! He’s joined just 18% of all Americans who reach $100,000 in yearly earnings.


Now, compare him to a 30-year-old Navy sailor who wanted a career as a project manager.  We helped him secure a SkillBridge working for a construction company. He also got hired at $78,000…a nice starting salary for his first civilian position. 


However, it may take him 7 years to catch his counterpart who took the sales job to reach the same $100,000 assuming he performs well and earns the 4.4% salary increase. Two different paths, two different outcomes. The sales rep’s revenue-generating role propelled him to a six-figure income quickly, while the project manager’s salary growth would be more gradual. Both are successful, but their choices demonstrate the impact of career decisions on long-term financial success.

Here’s one of the choices you’ll need to make when deciding where to SkillBridge. 


Do you prefer using SkillBridge only to take a remote class so you can obtain an industry certification? 


Or would you prefer a SkillBridge that allows you to start working for a prospective future employer?


Most of the authorized training providers only help you get the cert you want, whether that be one for cybersecurity, software development, sales, or dozens of other choices. 


They may offer to promote you to partner hiring companies after you graduate, but banking on that is a big gamble.


You’ll most likely be on your own when you’re a Vet, hoping your new cert will attract an employer’s attention.  It will give your resume a boost for sure, but it’s not a guarantee to getting hired.  You’ll still need to apply and compete for the position.


If you aim to attend college, travel, or take time off once you’re a Vet and do not want SkillBridge to convert to a permanent job, then the cert route makes a lot of sense. 


The DoD site offers various options for you to explore. However, if your objective is permanent employment, you should consider the more practical route and identify a SkillBridge company and future employer that aligns with your career goals.  


You can always complete your remote cert training on your own.  You don’t need SkillBridge for that.  Start now!  Thousands of service members obtain certs through companies like Udemy, Comptia, and Coursera, and you can easily accomplish it too!


This way, you can leverage SkillBridge for its true purpose—getting you hired immediately as a Vet and avoiding unemployment.


Remember, SkillBridge is a really smart way for companies to hire, too. They have no financial risk because the military already pays your salary. They get to see you in action doing your exact job, hopefully performing well and convincing them that you are a valuable asset to their team.

You're 3 Steps Away From An Amazing Skillbridge Internship

Once you know exactly what industry, job title, and location you’d like for your SkillBridge position, start your mission with Step 1. If you're unsure what you want to do, watch the videos above to help you identify the perfect career path.

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